Veterans Administration Provides Support for Veterans in Mortgage Foreclosure

The VA is encouraging mortgage servicers to continue pausing foreclosures on VA-guaranteed home loans through December 31, 2024, to help veterans and their families avoid foreclosure and explore home retention options. The VA offers several support mechanisms such as forbearance agreements, repayment plans, loan modifications, and the new VASP program for those facing severe hardship.

  • VA encourages pausing foreclosures on VA-guaranteed home loans until December 31, 2024.
  • Support options include forbearance agreements, repayment plans, and loan modifications.
  • The VASP program is available as a last-resort option for qualifying veterans.
  • Mortgage servicers will evaluate the veteran’s qualification for VASP.
  • Contact mortgage servicers or VA for support at 877-827-3702 or the VA Home Loans website.

Read the full article: help with mortgage foreclosure.

Millions of Veterans have used VA's home loan